Sunday, May 12, 2024



Genesis 49:1-2

King James Version

49 And Jacob called unto his sons,

 and said, 

Gather yourselves together, 

that I may tell you that which shall befall you 

in the last days.

2 Gather yourselves together, 

and hear, 

ye sons of Jacob; 

and hearken unto Israel your father.

Jacob, renamed "Israel" by GOD, blesses his sons.

He tells them of what shall "befall" them in the "last days".

Is that why GOD made me dream of the "wolf" yesterday?

Signifying the urgency of the times?

That we are truly in the last days now?

That got me thinking right as I write this today.

But that's how I write with SPIRIT.

He makes me take things, one step at a time.

He knows how I think.

He knows I will explore His clues, and leads.

Making sure I don't miss a thing.

Knowing there's a "discovery" somewhere.

Which I can't wait to tell you.

After I have come to know it first.

Through Scripture.

Yesterday, He led me to the tribe of Benjamin.

And to the blessing they received from Jacob.

It's only today I realized, the blessing was for the "last days".

Of what will "befall" his 12 sons and their tribes.

Including Benjamin:

Genesis 49:27

King James Version

27 Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: 

in the morning he shall devour the prey, 

and at night he shall divide the spoil.

Yesterday, we did a "word study" on that verse.

Jacob/Israel gave his last instructions to all 12 tribes:

Genesis 49:29

King James Version

29 And he charged them, and said unto them, 

I am to be gathered unto my people: 

bury me with my fathers in the cave 

that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,

After which:

Genesis 49:33

King James Version

33 And when Jacob had made an end 

of commanding his sons, 

he gathered up his feet into the bed, 

and yielded up the ghost, 

and was gathered unto his people.

Thus ends Jacob's saga.

But his children live on.

All 12 tribes of Israel.

Benjamin being one.

The next post tells us of Moses' blessing.

Related material:

The WOLF dream

The BENJAMIN connection


Image: Free Bible Images


  Deuteronomy 33:12 King James Version 12 And of Benjamin he said,  The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him;  and the Lord shal...