Saturday, May 11, 2024



Apostle Paul says:

Romans 11:1

King James Version

11 I say then, 

Hath God cast away his people? 

God forbid. 

For I also am an Israelite, 

of the seed of Abraham, 

of the tribe of Benjamin.

If you know anything about the tribe of Benjamin, then you'd understand the character of apostle Paul.

A man devoted to GOD's WORD.

Taking great risks, and all, in defense of the WORD.

What other traits characterize this tribe?

"The tribe is best known for its warrior-like people who were skilled in archery, slinging rocks, and left-handed fighting. The tribe also controlled the major city of Jerusalem early in Jewish history and produced the first king, Saul, of the United Kingdom of Israel. Later, the Benjamites united with the Judahites to control the Southern Kingdom of Judah, and most modern-day Jews are descended from one of these tribes."

-- Tribe of Benjamin in the Bible | Overview, History & Symbol

"These are descendants of the man Benjamin. They were called Benjamites.

During the Exodus, this tribe was the smallest but one (Numbers 1:36-37; Psalm 68:27). During the march its place was along with Manasseh and Ephraim on the west of the tabernacle.

At the entrance into Canaan it counted 45,600 warriors.

It has been inferred by some from the words of Jacob (Genesis 49:27) that the figure of a wolf was on the tribal standard.

This tribe is also mentioned in the New Testament (Romans 11:1; Philippians 3:5)."

-- Christian Answers

The verses describing the tribe of Benjamin:

Numbers 1:36-37

King James Version

36 Of the children of Benjamin, 

by their generations, 

after their families, 

by the house of their fathers, 

according to the number of the names, 

from twenty years old and upward, 

all that were able to go forth to war;

37 Those that were numbered of them, 

even of the tribe of Benjamin, 

were thirty and five thousand 

and four hundred.

Psalm 68:27

King James Version

27 There is little Benjamin with their ruler, 

the princes of Judah and their council, 

the princes of Zebulun, 

and the princes of Naphtali.

GOD commanded each of the 12 tribes to pitch their own "standards".

And a captain was appointed to lead each tribe:

Numbers 2:1-2

King James Version

2 And the Lord spake unto Moses 

and unto Aaron, 


2 Every man of the children of Israel 

shall pitch by his own standard, 

with the ensign of their father's house: 

far off about the tabernacle of the congregation 

shall they pitch.

Numbers 2:22-23

King James Version

22 Then the tribe of Benjamin: 

and the captain of the sons of Benjamin 

shall be Abidan the son of Gideoni.

23 And his host, 

and those that were numbered of them, 

were thirty and five thousand 

and four hundred.

Numbers 2:34

King James Version

34 And the children of Israel did 

according to all that the Lord commanded Moses: 

so they pitched by their standards, 

and so they set forward, 

every one after their families, 

according to the house of their fathers.

Apostle Paul speaks more of himself here:

Philippians 3:5

King James Version

5 Circumcised the eighth day, 

of the stock of Israel, 

of the tribe of Benjamin, 

an Hebrew of the Hebrews;

 as touching the law, a Pharisee;

As the men are brave, we also came to know a folly.

From which the tribe of Benjamin lost thousands of men.

Here's that story.

More articles here.

Related video:

The Tribe of Benjamin - Part 1

Image: Benjamin stamp designed by G Hamon (issued 1955/56), sourced from Israel Philately


  Deuteronomy 33:12 King James Version 12 And of Benjamin he said,  The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him;  and the Lord shal...